Welcome to a bulletin board history loving system
Sign up and log into one of the best bulletin board systems around today!
If your looking for message areas, networked message areas, file areas or hundreds of registered door games you came to the right bulletin board!
Share Bulletin Board System history with your family and friends, a place to meet and share time with other people here or just sit back and relax and do things by yourself when your here.
A little about the BBS, it started out back in the late 1994 but due to the Internet and that being the new kid on the block and everyone going crazy with the new toy, I closed the BBS in 98. You may wonder why I didn't stick with it, the main reason is that the domain name was taken. Tells you a lot about keeping your domain name, even if you are not using it at the time! So, in 2001 I reopened the BBS that you see now. I remember three years we had a BBS party, wow was 1996 a good one. We had it at one of the local state parks. about 125 people showed up for three Sys0p's from three differant boards. (I must repeat, wow!)

But here we are again, back up and waiting just for you to jump in a message area, file area or play some of the registered doors and also some of the registered league doors we have here!

 Hundreds registered door games are now up, more then enough for any of the serious door game player! Also if your looking for good door leagues to play in, then we hope you have come to the right spot! In the message areas we have Fidonet, sciNet, fsxnet, micronet, and Spooknet. And of course I'm always on the lookout for good files for the file areas, but that also means you can upload too, the more files the better, I'm mainly interested in old DOS and old Windows Programs, Windows 95 and before.
After signing up feel free to look around, make sure to checkout the message areas, file areas and all the other features of this BBS, If you have any questions drop me a line!

Your SysOp here back in the early 80's working hard!

lets play a game